Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Progress Reports Coming Home Today

Dear Parents,

This is your child’s progress report. Your child has worked very hard to reflect on their progress and evaluate themselves then develop goals for next term. Research tells us that when students are able to analyze and articulate their progress there is a better understanding of their learning processes. This is called Metacognition.

Metacognition means becoming increasingly aware of one’s actions and the effect of those actions on others and on the environment; forming internal questions as one searches for information and meaning, developing mental maps or plans of actions, mentally rehearsing prior to performance, monitoring those plans as they are employed-being conscious of the need for midcourse correction if the plan is not meeting expectations, reflecting on the plan upon completion of the implementation for the purpose of self-evaluation, and editing mental pictures improved performance.
                                                Dr. Milton McClaren

The students completed several self evaluations and have reflected on their abilities in some basic areas. I have conferenced and commented on these evaluations. I think you will agree that our evaluations are close to being the same in most cases. Please take some time with your child to go through their books and celebrate their triumphs this term. I am very proud of each student’s journey in my class. Keep up the good work everyone!!

Parents please return all work to the school after you have had a good chance to look at everything. Duotangs must come back to school immediately so students can continue to work:))

Thank you,
Carla Sumarlidson.