Thursday, June 14, 2012

The wonderful artwork and decorated halls for out 100th birthday. Happy Centennial Herbert Spencer!!

June 7, 2012

Dear Parents,

I have arranged a couple of walking trips within our community in the next few weeks to support the concepts presented in the Social Studies curriculum. The weather is improving, hopefully, and we will learn more about our “special” neighbourhood, the place we live. The following dates have been booked. If you would like to join us on any of the trips, please indicate on the slip below.

 June 18th to Electric Company (First Street – 10 min walk) 9-11:00

June 21st to Irving House (Royal Ave.- 23 min walk) 9:00-11:30

I cannot believe we are in the final month of school. The year has passed so quickly. I want to thank those parents who have taken the “extra” time from their busy schedule to volunteer in our class. We really appreciate your interest and expertise that you bring to our classroom.

Yours truly,
Carla Sumarlidson.


          My name is ________________________________

          I would like to volunteer for ____________________________

                                                            Field trip and date