Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Iditarod, snow dogs and Akiak. Akiak knew it. the other dogs knew it, too.

April 17, 2012

Dear Parents:

Wednesday, April 25th will be our Open House. The class will be “OPEN” from 1:45 to 4 PM. Parents are to attend, if they wish, with their child. Please do NOT feel obligated to attend if you came before Spring Break when we displayed our Imaginary Animals and Inuit Posters.

Remember, parents that students are very excited to share with you their school experiences and this is an opportunity for you to see classroom displays and build a positive bond with your child. I will be on hand for facilitation. You will be in the room with other parents and students so, as a reminder, please do not bring younger siblings to this conference.

I will be there to support your child when necessary, remind him/her of things to share with you.

Your job will be to encourage and praise your child for the things he/she is able to do and to ask questions of your child. Remember that you can have the opportunity to speak with me at another time if you wish.

Before you leave the school you might want to visit the Computer Room or gym.

I, _______________________________, will be able to attend the OPEN HOUSE with my

          (your name)

child ____________________________________ …

           (child’s name)

Yours truly,
Ms. C. Sumarlidson.

Monday, April 2, 2012

École Herbert Spencer School
April 2, 2012

Re: Field Trip to Burns Bog

Dear Parents or Guardians,
We will be going on a field trip to Burns bog on Monday, April 16th.  This field trip will help to deepen the students’ understanding of plants and animals, habitats and communities, food webs, ecosystems, natural resources, history and First Nations as well as human impacts on the environment. 

Most of this day will be spent outdoors rain or shine, so please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. 

We will be leaving school at approximately 9:00 am and will be returning at approximately 12:30 pm.  We will be travelling to our destination by bus. 

We are asking for some parents to accompany us on the bus and at Burns Bog.

The cost for the field trip is $2.00 per student. Please forward the following permission slip and $2.00 to your child’s teacher by Tuesday, April 10th.

Thank you,

Mme Copley
Ms. Sumarlidson

I, __________________, give permission for my child, _______________ ,to attend the field trip to Burns Bog on Monday, April 16th, 2012 and to travel there by bus. 

­­­­­ Yes, I would like to accompany you on The Field trip to Burns Bog.