Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 17, 2012

Dear Parents:

Wednesday, April 25th will be our Open House. The class will be “OPEN” from 1:45 to 4 PM. Parents are to attend, if they wish, with their child. Please do NOT feel obligated to attend if you came before Spring Break when we displayed our Imaginary Animals and Inuit Posters.

Remember, parents that students are very excited to share with you their school experiences and this is an opportunity for you to see classroom displays and build a positive bond with your child. I will be on hand for facilitation. You will be in the room with other parents and students so, as a reminder, please do not bring younger siblings to this conference.

I will be there to support your child when necessary, remind him/her of things to share with you.

Your job will be to encourage and praise your child for the things he/she is able to do and to ask questions of your child. Remember that you can have the opportunity to speak with me at another time if you wish.

Before you leave the school you might want to visit the Computer Room or gym.

I, _______________________________, will be able to attend the OPEN HOUSE with my

          (your name)

child ____________________________________ …

           (child’s name)

Yours truly,
Ms. C. Sumarlidson.

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